Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Action Research Plan

Action Research Plan
Goal: To increase classroom grades through intervention and evaluation.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Create a teacher evaluation system to be administered to the math students at SJS
Jay Smith
Before end of T5-13
Research of successful evaluation techniques
Ask for feedback on survey from teachers and administrators
Student evaluation of teachers, the evaluation will ask motivation and implicit/explicit curriculum makers
Jay Smith
Before end of T5-13
Student Evaluation Survey
Compilation of the comments and findings to present to teachers and administration
Small group discussion with most “at-risk” students to see what they need to be successful in their current math class.
Jay Smith
Before end of T6-13
Results from the survey.
Compilation of the comments and findings to present to teachers and administrators.
Create a system to track student success before/during/after the research process. This system needs to include current and previous grades, previous test results, and student teacher history.
Jay Smith
Before end of T5-13
Access to grades, test scores, teachers, and students.
Data to compare and analyze.
Continue to administer the student evaluations at the end of each six-week term.
Jay Smith
Student Evaluation Survey
Compilation of the comments and findings to present to teachers and administration
Continuously update the tracking system as new data arrives.
Jay Smith
Access to grades, test scores, teachers, and students.
Data to compare and analyze.


  1. Thank you for commenting on my blog site. Your plan looks well thought out and flexible at the same time. That is a good thing, I have decided, the further we get into this the more unexpected things seem to build up. You have a lot of number crunching to do with your plan; there is nothing wrong with numbers. I like the fact that your plan includes sitting down with the at-risk students and going over with them exactly what they need to do to succeed. I think that right there will be a fantastic improvement. All too often, we talk about these at-risk kids but never really talk to them about exactly what they can do to succeed. Give them a checklist, at to-do list, anything that they can see what they need to do. We all need that if we are to succeed. This is a really great idea.

  2. When do you plan on having the completed? Will it continue into next school year? I really like that you are taking the time to talk the kids. Drex is right all to often we look at the data and make these plans without taking the time to see how the kids are feeling about the situation and how we can better support them.

  3. I like how your plan is helping students through interventions and teacher evaluations. I agree with Drex and Jamie, it is so important to talk with students and build relationships with students. When students know you care about them and are invested in their success, they are more willing to work for you. I also like that you are having the students evaluate the teachers. Math is such a crucial teacher. As a math teacher I hear too often that "I didn't learn anything in Mrs./Mr. math class last year". I find myself teaching math and confidence skills as well.
    How are you going to share results with teachers? Will you just give them the evaluations or will you give them a summary of the evaluations? How will you measure success? Will you use classroom grades, unit tests, and/or STARR tests? What grade level is your action research targeting?
    Good luck!

  4. Jay i think your plan is great. As a coach I understand about building relationships. I would say maybe to get someone else involved like maybe your registrar to help you get your data. You are doing a lot by yourself. I have a lot of support at my school and many people helping me collect data. Also putting in the format with the 8 steps from the Harris text will help in the future to stay on track. That's only my opinion though. My plan is terrible right now and I am in the process of reworking it, so I am probably way under qualified to be assessing someone else's work but I know we all need comments. Lol. Just trying to help out.

  5. Jay, I commend you as a Math teacher. I am currently substituting right now in our district and I always get the Math classes. It is not like I hate it, but I am just not good at it. I am glad you are working on intervention and having rapport with students is an important factor as well. As a struggling student back in my Middle school years, I do want or like a teacher that would just not there to teach us Math but also they want to help us in getting the lessons right. I would definitely follow your action research and good luck.
